Relations between morphology, buoyancy and energetics of requiem sharks
Sharks have a distinctive shape that remained practically unchanged through hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Nonetheless, there are variations of this shape that vary between and within species. We attempt to explain these variations by examining the partial derivatives of the cost of transport of a generic shark with respect to buoyancy, span and chord of its pectoral fins, length, girth and body temperature. Our analysis predicts an intricate relation between these parameters, suggesting that ectothermic species residing in cooler temperatures must either have longer pectoral fins and/or be more buoyant in order to maintain swimming performance. It also suggests that, in general, the buoyancy must increase with size, and therefore, there must be ontogenetic changes within a species, with individuals getting more buoyant as they grow. Pelagic species seem to have near optimally sized fins (which minimize the cost of transport), but the majority of reef sharks could have reduced the cost of transport by increasing the size of their fins. The fact that they do not implies negative selection, probably owing to decreased manoeuvrability in confined spaces (e.g. foraging on a reef).
1. Introduction
Within marine environments, sharks represent a wide range of upper and mid-level predators. They can be found in most marine habitats from coastal to pelagic and deep sea, and encompass a variety of feeding modes, including those specializing on marine mammals and filter-feeding [1]. These habitats also span a wide range of temperatures from arctic to tropical conditions. All sharks lack a swim bladder and therefore must generate lift either by retaining large amounts of low-density lipids (hydrostatic lift) or by generating flow of water over their fins (hydrodynamic lift). In spite of the lipids reserves, the majority of sharks are negatively buoyant and sink if they stop swimming (table 1).
Being forced to swim continuously to generate hydrodynamic lift, sharks are faced with choices regarding their swim speed. As the swim speed increases, so does the metabolic cost, and the probability of a successful encounter with prey. In all cases, sharks—as other predators—probably select the swim speed that maximizes the difference between the energy obtained from prey and the energy spent searching for it. This speed depends on morphology and buoyancy, each affecting the hydrodynamic resistance, as well as on body temperature, which affects the basic metabolic rate [2,3]. Most species of sharks are ectothermic, so variations in body temperature reflect variations in the water temperature the shark resides in.
With a few exceptions, sharks evolved having similar (fusiform) basic body shape, but with considerable differences (some of which are ontogenetic) in the relative size of fins, relative body diameter and the amount and composition of lipids retained in the body [4–9]. In this study, we suggest a unified theory (theoretical framework) that can relate some of these differences with particular lifestyles and habitats, and can explain some of the ontogenetic differences as direct consequences of allometric scaling laws of swimming performance. It is based on general predictions of energetic costs of activity in sharks and swimming speeds that minimize these costs, and specific predictions of the influences of the most conspicuous morphological parameters, buoyancy and temperature on the energetic costs and on the respective optimal speeds.
The theory is presented in §§3 and 4; its few immediate conclusions ensue the developments of §3.6, 3.7, 4.7 and 5; overviewing discussion concludes the paper in §6. The data used in the analysis are presented in §2.
2. Underlying data
The ideal dataset for this study would have included tracking data (speed, depth, body temperature, water temperature and salinity), along with the respective morphological data (length, girth, fins dimensions), and in and out of water weights, for many individuals of different species. At present, no such dataset exists. The set compiled for this study (electronic supplementary material, S1, table S2) included 58 individuals from nine species of morphologically similar requiem sharks: Carcharhinus obscurus, C. leucas, C. plumbeus, C. brevipinna, C. limbatus, C. falciformis, Negaprion brevirostris, Galeocerdo cuvier and Prionace glauca, for which in and out of water weights were reported in [7,9]. Morphological data for these individuals were estimated based on relative dimensions reported in [4,5,10]. Hydrodynamic data were estimated from morphological data, using aircraft preliminary design tools [11] (electronic supplementary material, S1). We could evaluate the accuracy of these estimates, using wind tunnel measurements at relevant Reynolds numbers (electronic supplementary material, S2); they were accurate to within a few per cent.
3. Fundamentals
3.1. Lift and drag
Consider a negatively buoyant fish swimming at constant speed along a straight path, inclined at angle γ relative to horizon (positive when ascending). ρ, v, g and m are density of water, the swimming speed, the acceleration of gravity and the displaced mass of water, respectively. The latter can be expressed as
When swimming at constant speed, the hydrodynamic lift L and thrust Tcounterbalance drag1 D and weight W
Submerged weight of the shark, W, can be expressed in terms of the excess density parameter, β
In combination with (3.4), the balance of forces in the direction normal to the direction of swimming (3.3) can be used to define either the lift coefficient
3.2. Active metabolic rate
Active metabolic rate is defined here as the total amount of ATP used by the fish per unit time
In a glide, T = 0, and the active metabolic rate equals the standard metabolic rate, P0. In what follows, however, we assume that the shark swims at constant depth and speed; consequently T = D by (3.2), and
are a pair of characteristic velocity scales; their physical meaning becomes clear in §3.3. The ratio u/w is a variable parameter but, in general, can be considered an order 1 quantity (figure 3).
If there were no constraints, then the minimal active metabolic rate,
3.3. Cost of transport
The cost of transport C is defined as the energy used per distance travelled
Table 2.
Sustained performance parameters. In all expressions, an overbar denotes a reduced speed: u ¯ = u / w , v ¯ min ( γ ) = v min ( γ ) / w , v ¯ + = v + / w and v ¯ ∗ = v ∗ / w . Reference equations for the first row are (3.34), (3.20), (3.25), (3.19), (3.28) and (3.27), respectively.
The minimal cost of transport and the respective metabolic rate are
The terms in the parentheses on the right-hand side of (3.26), (3.29) and (3.30) manifest the difference between negatively and neutrally buoyant fishes (for which u = 0). Negatively buoyant fish have to swim faster than similarly shaped neutrally buoyant ones, and their cost of transport and active metabolic rate is higher. In fact, estimated optimal swimming speeds of C. leucas, C. limbatus, C. brevipinna and N. breviostris are up to 30% higher than what they would have been if these sharks were neutrally buoyant; respective costs of transport are up to 40% higher (see electronic supplementary material, S1, table S2b).
3.4. The speed ratio
Choosing w as a unit of speed, and the basic metabolic rate P0 as a unit of power, all reduced performance characteristics—the minimal active metabolic rate P+/P0, the minimal cost of transport
Expression for
3.5. Energy balance
If prey is uniformly distributed along the swimming path, and the energy intake of the shark is directly proportional to the amount of prey encountered en route, the energy balance of a shark—the difference between energy gained Ein and the energy spent Eout—can be expressed (with help of (3.22)) as
If, however, the amount of food encountered by the shark is independent of the volume of water searched during swimming, but depends only on time, then the energy balance becomes
Realistic scenarios are bounded between these two extremes, suggesting that a shark probably swims between v+, the speed at which its active metabolic rate is minimal, and v*, the speed at which its cost of transport is minimal (this conjecture is assessed in §3.7); its active metabolic rate varies between P+ and P* (figure 4). The prerequisite to this analysis is that v* and v+ exceed a certain minimal swimming speed.
3.6. Minimal swimming speed
From a hydrodynamic perspective, the minimal swimming speed is the lowest speed at which the forces acting on the shark can be balanced. It is an immediate consequence of the existence of the upper bound
To exploit the minimal active metabolic rate when swimming at constant depth, v+ should exceed
To exploit the minimal cost of transport when swimming at constant depth, v*should exceed
For the same combinations of morphological parameters as those listed in footnote 7, the right-hand side of (3.41) ranges between 0.8 and 2. The left-hand side varies with buoyancy and body temperature, as well as with basic morphological parameters (see above), and is, in general, an order 1 quantity. Consequently, (3.41) is not automatically satisfied, and buoyancy and body temperature have to be coordinated with morphological parameters to allow a shark to exploit its minimal cost of transport. In particular, because
3.7. Optimal swimming speed
It was predicted in §§3.5 and 3.6 that under most circumstances, the optimal swimming speed of the shark is bounded between the larger of v+ and
Reference [31] cites average swimming speeds of three blue sharks P. glauca, tracked over the period of a few days (sharks 16, 22 and 23). With body temperatures of about 18°C, the three sharks, measuring 2.2, 2.7 and 2.6 m (fork length) averaged 0.48, 0.4 and 0.44 m s−1. There are no comparably sized sharks on our list, but the optimal speeds can be estimated based on the same formulae that underlay table S2 in electronic supplementary material, S1. With β = 0.02, and depending on the length of the pectoral fins and body mass, they yield v* between 0.55 and 0.6 m s−1 for the two larger sharks, and between 0.52 and 0.56 for the smaller one; v+ is 0.27 m s−1 smaller than v*.
For the two bull sharks and the three blue sharks, we predict vmin (0) between 0.13 and a few hundredth m s−1 smaller than the respective v*, whereas for the sandbar shark, we predict it is between 0.2 and 0.08 m s−1 smaller. In other words, there are possible combinations of morphological parameters and buoyancy for which vmin (0) exceeds the observed swimming speed. vmin (0) is extremely sensitive to buoyancy (it vanishes with β), and hence obtaining unrealistic vmin (0) demonstrates the importance of having the ideal dataset mentioned in §2, as well as the importance of coordination between morphological parameters and buoyancy.
4. Derivatives
4.1. Preliminaries
Sustained performance of a shark is characterized mainly by the active metabolic rate, the cost of transport and the speed at which the minimal cost of transport is achieved. Essentially, there are six major morphological parameters affecting the sustained performance: length, l; span and chord of the pectoral fins, b and c0; body diameter, d; buoyancy, β and body temperature, τ. The first three can be considered an evolutionary adaptation; the next two also depend on an individual's body condition; the last two also depend on the habitat the animal uses. Sensitivity of the sustained performance to variations in these parameters is manifested in the partial derivatives computed below.
Quite generally, if x denotes one of the independent parameters, namely β, b, c0, d, l and τ, we can write a series of logarithmic derivatives