Unexpected monophyletic origin of Ephoron shigae unisexual reproduction strains and their rapid expansion across Japan
The burrowing polymitarcyid mayfly Ephoron shigae is distributed across Japan, Korea, northeast China and far east Russia. Some populations are bisexual, and others are unisexual, i.e. geographically parthenogenetic throughout Japan. In general, parthenogenetic organisms are often found in harsh environments, such as at high latitudes and altitudes, in xeric as opposed to mesic conditions, in isolated habitats such as islands and island-like areas, and at the peripheral regions of the taxon's range. In E. shigae, however, the distributions of bisexual and unisexual populations overlap broadly in their respective geographical ranges. In the analysis of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI, we revealed that unisexual populations were of monophyletic origin and recently differentiated somewhere in western Japan. In the nuclear DNA EFI-α analysis, parthenogenetic strains had two genotypes, i.e. the heterozygous genotype of E1/E3 and the homozygous genotype of E1/E1 or E3/E3, while specimens of bisexual lineage had 20 genotypes. These results are consistent with an automixis mode of reproduction for the parthenogenetic strains, and also support the monophyletic origin of the parthenogenetic strains. Furthermore, there would be no gene flow between the specimens of the bisexual lineage and those of the parthenogenetic strain.
1. Introduction
Most metazoans perpetuate generations via sexual reproduction [1]. The origin and evolution of sexual reproduction has been considered an enigma, and discussed for a long time within evolutional biology [2,3]. It is a paradox that bisexual reproduction, which is a sexually reproductive system relying on a male and a female, is the general mode of reproduction for metazoans, especially when considering that bisexual reproduction has a twofold cost compared with unisexual organisms with the ability to generate all female offspring (e.g. [2]).
Sexual reproduction has occurred widely in multicellular organisms, while some organisms have secondarily lost the capacity for sexual reproduction, while reproduction has been reported in 19 of 34 phyla in the animal kingdom, i.e. Animalia [4]. Parthenogenetic organisms have been recognized as being efficient subjects for the study of evolution and correspondingly the significance of sex (cf. [5]). One particularly remarkable area of study focuses on geographical parthenogenesis. That is, the geographically distinct distribution of closely related bisexual and parthenogenetic organisms [6]. In general, it is well documented that parthenogenetic reproduction is most often found in harsh environmental habitats, such as at higher latitudes and altitudes, mountainous regions, some isolated conditions such as islands or in island-like habitats, in xeric as opposed to mesic environments, and in environments variously classified as periphery, extreme, stressful, transient or disturbed [1,7–11].
The burrowing polymitarcyid mayfly, Ephoron shigae (Takahashi) is distributed widely within far east Asia (figure 1) [12–14] and is also a geographically parthenogenetic species [15–18]. In E. shigae, however, the distributions of bisexual and unisexual populations overlap broadly in their respective geographical ranges throughout Japan (Honshu, Shikoku and Kyushu). Obligatory parthenogenesis (i.e. parthenogenesis is the normal mode of reproduction) is observed within unisexual populations [16]. Furthermore, all the individuals that reproduced by parthenogenesis were diploid females (2n=12; sex-chromosome type was XX), indicating the process of thelytokous parthenogenesis [17,18]. In our previous study, we revealed the necessary completion of the following two processes in order to achieve a successful return to the diploid phase for parthenogenetic reproduction [18]: (i) complete meiosis occurs in oogenesis; and (ii) following meiosis, the egg nucleus (i.e. female pronucleus) and its sister nucleus of the second polar body fuse together automicticly.
Ephoron shigae, therefore, is a uniquely well-suited model to study the differentiation of unisexual and bisexual populations, the establishment of parthenogenesis, and the dispersal of parthenogenetic individuals. An important step in understanding patterns of evolution in parthenogens is to distinguish the cases of single versus multiple origin from a bisexual ancestor [4].
In this study, we examined sex ratio of populations by our field study, and literature survey and classified population types, i.e. unisexual or bisexual populations. Subsequently, we investigated the nature of the origin of the parthenogenetic strains studied using molecular phylogenetic analyses in order to elucidate whether each parthenogenetic strain is of singular or multiple origin. In addition, we discussed dispersal ability and reproduction mode of parthenogenetic strain and evolutionary process of geographical parthenogenetic populations distributed mosaically.
2. Material and methods
2.1 Distribution and sex ratio of Ephoron shigae populations
We gathered data on the distribution and sex ratio of the mayfly E. shigae based on our own field research and on surveys of newly published literature and records. In our study from 1999 to 2013, the sex ratio was examined with the ultimate instar nymphs collected on a scale of approximately 100 individuals in each population by qualitative sampling using a D-frame net (1.0×1.0 mm mesh). In the field, we fixed samples of nymphs in 99.5–100% ethanol, and then observed the presence or absence of the viewable primordia of forceps and penes (i.e. determination of sex), under a microscope in a laboratory.
2.2 Sample collection and DNA extraction
Four hundred and twenty-two specimens of E. shigae were collected from 1999 to 2013 from 40 populations covering most of its distributional range in Japan. Most specimens of nymphs, subimagos and imagos were fixed in 99.5–100% ethanol in the field, and several specimens were fixed in 70% ethanol and then transferred to 99.5–100% ethanol for long-term storage.
Total genomic DNA was extracted from ethanol-preserved tissues of specimens and purified using a DNeasy-Tissue-Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) and the standard cetyltrimethylammonium bromide protocol [19].
2.3 DNA sequencing
The mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI genes and the nuclear EFI-α genes were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method using the primer sets (16S rRNA: 5′-TTACGCTGTTATCCCTAA-3′ and 5′-CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT-3′[20]; COI: 5′-GGTCAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3′ and 5′-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAATCA-3′ or 5′-CCCGGTAAAATTAAAATATAAACTTC-3′ [21,22]; EFI-α: 5′-CCTGGGTGTTGGACAAGCTCAAG-3′ and 5′-AAGACGCAGGGGCTTCTCTG-3′). PCR products were purified using the Microcon-Kit (MILLIPORE, Massachusetts, USA) or the ExoSap-IT (GE Healthcare UK, Buckinghamshire, UK). Purified DNA fragments were sequenced directly by an automated method using the DYEnamic-ET-Terminator Cycle-Sequencing Kit (GE Healthcare UK) and BigDye Terminator v. 1.1 Cycle-Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, California, USA) on an automated sequencer (ABI PRISM 377 and ABI 3130xl DNA Analyzer (Perkin Elmer/Applied Biosystems)).
2.4 Sequencing alignment and phylogenetic analysis
We aligned all sequences using CLC Workbench software (CLC bio, Aarhus, Denmark), and cross-checked them by a Clustal W [23] algorithm implemented in MEGA5.10 [24]. The PHASE algorithm [25,26], as implemented in DnaSP v. 5 [27], was used to reconstruct putative alleles of the nuclear EFI-α gene. 16S rRNA and COI haplotypes and EFI-α genotypes have been submitted to the DNA databank of Japan (DDBJ database) with accession numbers AB874274–AB874406. As outgroups, we used 16S rRNA (accession numbers: AB711583 and AB711590) and COI sequence (AB711757 and AB711764) of E. shigae in Korea [13,14]. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by Bayesian inference (BI) methods in MrBayes v. 3.2.5 [28–30]. The optimal models of nucleotide substitution and the schemes were selected by the Akaike information criteria in Kakusan4 [31,32] and the marginal likelihood estimations using the stepping-stone and the harmonic means. The best-fit substitution models were chosen as HKY 85+G+I (16S rRNA), GTR (COI 1st and 2nd codons) and GTR+G+I (COI 3rd codon) models for the proportional and codon proportional model. BI analyses were performed by setting the number of Markov-chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) generations at three million, setting the sampling frequency at 100 and calculating a consensus topology after discarding the first 25% samples. Statistical support for the resultant BI trees was determined with Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPP).
In the nuclear EFI-α gene, a statistical parsimony tree (network tree) was calculated using TCS v. 1.21 [33]. Gaps were not evaluated as characters in the analysis.
2.5 Population genetic analysis
Divergence among the bisexual populations was assessed by an analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) based on COI and EFI-α, using Arlequin v. 3.01 [34]. The statistical significance of each of the variance components of the AMOVA and the paired comparisons was determined by non-parametric procedures using 1000 random permutations. We also performed Mantel tests on the pairwise genetic and geographical distance matrices, using Arlequin v. 3.01 [34].
We also used COI data to infer patterns of demographic history in sexual E. shigae. First, two tests based on the distribution of segregating sites (Tajima's D) and on the haplotype distribution (Fu's FS) were applied to the data. Significance of D and FS statistics was tested by generating 10 000 coalescent simulations in Arlequin v. 3.01 [34]. To further investigate the possibility of demographic expansions, we plotted the distribution of pairwise sequence differences (mismatch distribution) for COI haplotypes. The goodness of fit between the observed and expected distributions of a sudden expansion model was calculated using the sum of square deviations (SSD). The significance of Harpending's raggedness index (RI) was calculated using a null distribution simulated from 1000 permutations in Arlequin.
The past population dynamics of E. shigae through time were further estimated using a coalescent-based Bayesian skyline plot without the assumption of particular demographic models [35]. The posterior probability distribution of effective population sizes (Nes) and time to the most recent common ancestor (Tmrca) were estimated in BEAST v. 1.7.4 [36], using the best-fitted model of nucleotide substitutions and their parameter values as priors. The nucleotide substitution rate of COI was set to the average value commonly found in arthropods (1.77% divergence lineages−1 Myr−1; [37] and 0.75%; [38,39]) with a strict molecular clock. MCMC samplings were run for 1.5×107 generations with parameters sampled for every 1×103 generation. The initial 10% of the run was discarded as burn-in. Each analysis was repeated multiple times to optimize the scale factors until no suggestion message appeared on the log file. The effective sample size (ESS) for the posterior distribution of estimated parameter values was determined using Tracer v. 1.5 [40].
3. Results
3.1 Sex ratios of local populations
We investigated the sex ratios of forty-six populations in Japan by means of our own fieldwork and based on previously published studies (figure 1; electronic supplementary material, table S1). Thirty-eight of the populations' ratios were significantly biased to females (p<0.05, binomial test with Bonferroni correction), and no males were found at all in 27 of the populations, i.e. fully unisexual populations. Male individuals were found at residual levels in 11 populations and of those, the male ratio in six populations reached only a few per cent, i.e. these were strongly female-biased populations. A ratio of 20–35% was found in four of the remaining populations, i.e. they were weakly female-biased populations. Many males were found in 20 of the populations, i.e. bisexual populations.
3.2 Phylogenetic and phylogeographic analyses
From the results of 16S rRNA haplotype analysis (373 bp) (electronic supplementary material, table S2), 27 haplotypes were observed within the fourteen bisexual populations (from 164 examined specimens), while only one haplotype (S1 haplotype) was observed within the 17 unisexual populations (147 specimens). In the seven strongly female-biased populations (107 specimens) and three weakly female-biased populations (23 specimens), the S1 haplotype was observed in almost all individuals (104 specimens from strongly female-biased populations, and 14 specimens from weakly female-biased populations), yet some individuals had the other haplotypes.
Similarly, from the results of COI haplotype analysis (636 bp; electronic supplementary material, table S3), 60 haplotypes were observed within the 16 bisexual populations (153 specimens). Meanwhile, just one haplotype (C1 haplotype) was observed in all 24 unisexual populations (176 specimens). This C1 haplotype was also found in all females (63 specimens) in the seven strongly female-biased populations (70 specimens) and within three males from the Chikuma-gawa, Ibo-gawa and Ota-gawa strongly female-biased populations. Males had a variety of haplotypes (C2, C30, C31 and C57 haplotypes) in the Natori-gawa (three specimens) and Ota-gawa strongly female-biased populations (one specimen). Although some female individuals had the C1 haplotype in the Ara-kawa and Kando-gawa weakly female-biased populations, all females in the Kizu-gawa and Maruyama-gawa weakly female-biased populations had other haplotypes.
From BI trees based on the sequence data of the 16S rRNA region (electronic supplementary material, figure S2), although monophyly of all of the Japanese E. shigae populations was strongly supported by BPP=100, and included the S1 haplotype, phylogeny within the clade was not resolved. According to BI trees based on COI sequences (electronic supplementary material, figure S3), the monophyly of Japanese populations was also fully supported (BPP=100). The clade could be subdivided into four major subclades with high confidence (
The BI tree based on both 16S rRNA and COI sequences (figure 2; electronic supplementary material, table S4) was almost identical to the BI tree based on just the COI region except subclade II, and the monophyly of Japanese populations of each subclade (I, III and V) was fully supported (
By means of nuclear EFI-α sequences (618 bp), 20 sequence types were presumed within the 38 Japanese populations; 17 unisexual populations (96 specimens), four strongly female-biased populations (26 specimens), four weakly female-biased populations (44 specimens) and 13 bisexual populations (69 specimens) (figure 3; electronic supplementary material, table S5). The network tree resulted in a star-like shape, with the most frequent haplotypes in the centre of the network tree, surrounded by several lower frequency haplotypes; a pattern typically observed in expanding populations. Females with the C1 haplotype according to the COI region were observed in all the population types. In addition, all females were heterozygous of the E1/E3 sequence genotypes and homozygous of the E1/E1 or E3/E3. We detected the C1 haplotype in males at the mtDNA COI region in Chikuma-gawa and Ibo-gawa populations having a homozygous E3 genotype at this nuclear DNA EFI-α region, or having heterozygous E1/E3 genotypes, as well as females in the populations, respectively. Males in other populations had other types besides the E1 and E3 genotypes.
The AMOVA of mitochondrial 16S rRNA and COI genes and nuclear EFI-αproduced similar results, indicating that a high proportion of overall genetic variation occurred at among-group levels distinctly in each of the eastern versus western Japanese populations (table 1).