Steve Henry is a biological designer who has been involved with research concerned with biosurface modification for four decades. In 1996, with colleague Nicolai Bovin, they invented the breakthrough ‘multi-functional bio-paint’ platform called Kode Technology. Kode Technology allows for rapid modification of virtually any biological or non-biological surface with virtually any small molecule. Steve’s mission is to make it easy for scientists to utilise Kode technology in their research and for businesses to incorporate Kode innovation into new products. There are over 75 academic publications on the technology and global use of Kode ranges from virus, liposome and cell research, to COVID-19 and transfusion diagnostics, and an immuno-oncotherapeutic product in phase 2 trials, plus an extensive pipeline. Steve currently holds the positions of CEO for Kode Biotech and subsidiaries and he is also a Professor of Innovation at Auckland University of Technology.