Mohammad H. A. Hassan is the President, Sudanese National Academy of Sciences (SNAS), Chairman, Board of Trustees, Almashriq University (Sudan), Chairman, Governing Council, United Nations Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries, and Chairman of the International Advisory Board of the Centre for International Development (ZEF), Germany.
His previous positions include: Co-Chair, IAP – The Global Network of Science Academies (2011-15); Chairman of the Council of the United Nations University (2012-15); Lecturer, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum, Sudan (1974-1984). Executive Director, The Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) (1985-2011); President of TWAS (2018 - 2022).
Hassan was President, African Academy of Sciences (AAS) (2000-11); President, Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) (2001-11); Chairman, Honorary Presidential Advisory Council for Science and Technology (appointed by the President of Nigeria) (2001-09); Chairman, Advisory Board of the United Nations University/Institute of Natural Resources in Africa (UNU/INRA) (2003-10); Chairman, Coordinating Council of the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) (1995-2010).