Professor Jarrod Haar (Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Maniapoto) has an international reputation as one of the foremost Māori scholars in business and management. Jarrod uses highly complex statistical methodologies to provide robust understandings of mātauranga Māori in contemporary New Zealand workplaces. This work has influenced national and international understandings of Indigenous cultural wellbeing in the modern workplace. Throughout his research career, he has demonstrated the advantages of incorporating Māori worldviews and practices into organisations that would typically exclude such suggestions. Much of the existing international literature on the participation of Indigenous peoples in the labour force takes a deficit-based approach, whereas Jarrod highlights the role of cultural wellbeing and collectivism in explaining Māori experiences of the workplace. Jarrod has made very substantial contributions to research which is relevant to both Māori and non-Māori employee wellbeing. His work on families and how to balance job and family demands is not only ground-breaking in a scientific sense, but of such practical importance to New Zealand and globally.