Professor Patria Hume is an international leader in sports performance research and injury prevention. She is renowned for her work using evidence-based interventions to influence best-practice policy development that aims to reduce injury and improve sports techniques for athletes around the world. In 1999, Patria started SportSmart, a nationwide sports injury prevention programme for the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC). Her collaborations with PhD students, industry partners and academics from many disciplines resulted in this programme being developed into sport-specific programmes. RugbySmart, for instance, was adopted as an annual compulsory programme for players and coaches, and resulted in a significant reduction in severe neck injuries. Her team pioneered the use of novel instrumentation to collect data on player head impacts during games and training in contact sports. She initiated the Global Rugby Health Research programme after her teams’ ground-breaking work with World Rugby and New Zealand Rugby, exploring the long-term health impacts of playing rugby. The research has indicated potential long term health consequences for head impacts and that sub-concussive head impacts need addressing. The results from these research projects have captured global attention and have helped transform concussion injury awareness and management in New Zealand and internationally.