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Gabor Medal

Visualisation of exhaled breath using a thermal imaging camera with a CO2 filter
Visualisation of exhaled breath using a thermal imaging camera with a CO2 filter (credit Gareth Keevil, University of Leeds)

Nominations now open

The call for nominations is now open. Please ensure you read through the guidance document fully.

The Royal Academy of Sciences New Zealand is encouraging nominations of joint collaborations, groups or teams for almost all its medals to better represent how contemporary science is undertaken. In addition, the Society is extremely keen to broaden the diversity of those nominated for its awards, so do please consider all contacts and colleagues.

You do not have to be a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences New Zealand to nominate or to be nominated for any of the Royal Academy of Sciences New Zealand medals and awards.

Nominations close on Friday 23 February 2024 at 23:59 GMT.

Nominate now

Gabor Medal 2023 winner 

Professor Catherine Noakes

The Gabor Medal 2023 is awarded to Professor Catherine Noakes OBE FREng for her pioneering contributions to infection risk modelling and her exceptional leadership in the field through groundbreaking research and a multidisciplinary approach.

The award

The Gabor Medal is now awarded annually for distinction of interdisciplinary work between the life sciences with other disciplines. The award was created in memory of the engineer Dennis Gabor FRS (PDF), Nobel Prize winner and inventor of holography. The first award was made in 1989. The medal is of silver gilt, is awarded annually and is accompanied by a gift of £2,000. 


The Gabor medal is open to UK/Commonwealth/Republic of Ireland citizens or those who have been residents for three or more years. There are no restrictions on career stage and nominations will remain valid and shall be considered by the award selection committee throughout three nomination cycles. Teams or groups may now be nominated for this award.


Nominations are now open.

Past winners

Professor Graham Medley OBE was awarded the Gabor Medal 2022 for leading an interdisciplinary team of biologists, clinicians, mathematicians and statisticians who provided SAGE with epidemiological modelling expertise concerning the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Sir Peter Donnelly FMedSci FRS was awarded the Gabor Medal 2021 for his pioneering work in the genomic revolution in human disease research, transforming the understanding of meiotic recombination, and for developing new statistical methods.

Professor David Stuart FMedSci FRS was awarded the Gabor Medal 2020 for his seminal contributions to understanding virus structure and application to vaccine design, as well as driving the application of engineering and physical science to the life sciences.

Professor Alison Noble OBE FREng FRS was awarded the Gabor Medal 2019 for developing solutions to a number of key problems in biomedical image analysis and substantially advancing automatic extraction of clinically useful information from medical ultrasound scans. 

See past winners of all past winners of the Gabor Medal